Okuninushis forming of the land (大国主の国づくり)

Okuninushi's forming of the land

This article describes Okuninushi's forming of Ashihara no nakatsukuni (Literally, "Central Land of Reed Plains", which refers to the human world) in Japanese Mythology.

Story line
"Kojiki" (The Records of Ancient Matters)
When Okuninushi stood at Cape Miho in Izumo, a deity arrived across the ocean, riding on the waves in Amenokagaminofune (a boat made from the pod of the flowering vine called kagami), and wearing the skin of a small bird (it should be a moth, an error of Kanji characters). Okuninushi asked the small deity name but it didn't answer. None of his followers knew his name, either. There a toad appeared and said "Kuebiko should know his name." Kuebiko was called and answered, "His name is Sukunabikona, a child of Kamimusubi no kami." Kuebiko is a Yamada no kakashi (scarecrow) who was incapable of walking but possessing broad knowledge of things in the world.

Sukunabikona acknowledged that Sukunabikona was his child, and ordered his son to cooperate Okuninushi in the forming of the land. Okuninushi and Sukunabikona cooperated toward the development of Ashihara no nakatsukuni. After that, Sukunabikona passed to Tokoyo no kuni (the "eternal land").

Okuninushi wondered how he could form the land by himself. Then a deity came across the ocean, shedding the light. The deity said, "I am your Sakimitama kushimitama (soul(s) of blessing and auspiciousness), so if you worship me respectfully, I will cooperate with you in the forming of the land." Okuninushi asked the procedure of worship, and the soul answered to enshrine it at the top of the mountain in the east of Yamato Province. This deity is Omononushi that resides in Mt. Mimoro (Mt. Miwa) today.

Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan)


[Original Japanese]